This mandala was inspired by planting pea seeds with our granddaughter Ruby.
One spring morning the thought popped into my head that we should plant pea seeds together. “Wanna plant some pea seeds Ruby?” I said. “That would be super fun!” Ruby replied. In the garden, we dug a row with our fingers, carefully planted seeds and covered them with dirt.
This simple act took less than an hour and resulted in hours and hours of conversations and trips to the garden.
We watered and kept watch as the peas sprouted and grew. We planted sticks so they had a place to wrap their vines. We watched as the flowers emerged and grew. Then came “Mi Mi!!! The peas! The peas!” Ruby was delighted to see the perfect little green pods that seemed to pop from the flowers. For weeks we would run over to the garden to pick and gobble the peas right off the vine.
What a bounty of gifts we experienced from those few seeds we planted! Planting, watering and nurturing the plants.
Munching in the sunshine. Proud moments showing the bounty to PaPa.
Here are some questions for YOU to contemplate as you color this mandala:
What seeds have you planted lately in your life?
What seeds have you seen grow to their full potential and what are the gifts you’ve experienced as a result?
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