What is Creativity?

What is Creativity?

I cringe when someone tells me, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” If you weren’t creative, you would have no bones… you’d be dead. This is the truth. Plain and simple. Your body needs creativity to function.  I’m not saying you have to do an oil painting or draw your dog. I’m stating the fact that your body is constantly creating, every day, 24/7, 100% of the time. It is creating blood, sweat, and tears. It’s breathing in and out. It’s digesting food and churning out nutrients and then transporting to all the billions

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Mandala Yoga Mats with Grip

Mandala Yoga Mats with Grip

  Mandala yoga mats (with grip) are a beautiful addition to your yoga practice. Yoga is a very personal experience. Adding a mandala yoga mat that you love helps get through some of the more challenging poses and classes. Why a mandala? What is a mandala? The mandala (a circle with symbols in it) is one of the most ubiquitous symbols in religions all over the world. Mandalas are central in Buddhism and Hinduism and are found in Native American, Christian, Jewish and Islamic art. Why a yoga mat with grip? Having a high-quality yoga pad with

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How to Draw a Mandala in 8 Simple Steps

How to Draw a Mandala in 8 Simple Steps

Here are 8 simple steps to draw a mandala. Drawing and doodling are powerful tools to activate your divine creative self while calming your brain and putting you in a positive state of mindfulness. According to Marlynn Wei M.D., J.D. in an article written for Psychology Today, research shows mandala drawing promotes positivity. When doodling or drawing is combined with the power of the mandala, you are accessing deep parts of your creative self, which creates a sense of oneness and power.  Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, encouraged his patients to doodle and color mandalas. I explain

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Mandala Tapestries

Mandala Tapestries

Mandala tapestries are a wonderful way to bring joy and color into any room. They are popular in bedrooms on the wall or draped over a bed. Mandala tapestries are a great addition to a living room or a great room with a large wall to fill. Mandala tapestries are fantastic in yoga studios and therapy offices. Mandala tapestries make great gifts!   Mandala Tapestries are used for Meditation, Mindfulness, and Yoga Carl Jung, the father of psychotherapy said that mandalas help people work things out in their psyche without even knowing it is happening. Mandala tapestries

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Online Mandala Drawing Class

Online Mandala Drawing Class

Online Mandala Drawing Class Do you want to learn to draw mandalas but don’t have the time to go to a retreat or take a class? Well, now you can learn the SIMPLE way to draw a mandala in the comfort of your own home! In this online Mandala Drawing Class, you will learn to draw your own mandala similar to what you see below. These mandalas are drawn by a few of my students. They all got the exact same instructions and had the exact same supplies. Look how different they all are! Online Mandala Drawing

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The Life-Changing Magic of the Mandala

The Life-Changing Magic of the Mandala

[bctt tweet=”If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint” username=”mandaladoodles”] If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced” – Vincent Van Gogh The year 2000 was a dark time for me. I mainly wore black. I was grossly overweight and unhappy. I was drinking so much that it affected my company and my family’s life. I felt lost and alone. A few years before that, I was removed from my family of origin. Coming from

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What is a Mandala?

What is a Mandala?

The first thing I answer in mandala classes is “What is a mandala? While I wrote the book, Activate Divine Creativity: The Life-Changing Magic of the Mandala, I did a lot of research on this topic, and it’s fascinating. A mandala is a combination of sacred geometry, which is always perfect, and precise, with creativity, which is messy and original. Mandalas are beautiful and interesting. Mandalas are created from sound waves, mandalas are created by fish in the bottom of the ocean as they dance (swimmingly) close enough to the sand to create a mandala.  I

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How to Draw a Mandala

How to Draw a Mandala

How do you draw a mandala? (See video at the end of the blog post). Get out your pencil and paper and join me in the video below. Within 15 minutes you’ll have a mandala. You’ll have a process that looks like magic to others and you can use over and over. This is the same process as my last blog post, “How to Doodle a Mandala”. I use this process to draw and paint mandalas of all sizes. The biggest one I’ve drawn to date was 6 feet in diameter. I had a ruler with me

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What is Creativity? An Interview with Carisa Holmes

What is Creativity? An Interview with Carisa Holmes

I met Carisa Holmes at the Center for Spiritual Living. The first time I experienced her creative magic is when she was the guest performer. Carisa is a beautiful woman and reminded me of someone I had met before. It took me a long time to figure out who it was. It turns out it wasn’t a person, it was Sri Lankan goddesses. I was looking at some pictures of a trip that I had taken to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is a tiny island just off the southern tip of India. It is rich in Buddhist and

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What is Creativity? An Interview with Paul Haussenstamm

What is Creativity? An Interview with Paul Haussenstamm

I met Paul Haussenstamm about 15 years ago through my mandala teacher, Merry Norris.  Merry had studied with Paul for a couple of years and brought him into her home to do a colored pencil mandala workshop.  I knew Paul was from California, but I wasn’t expecting him to look like an athletic surfer. Turns out, he was a surfer and in many ways, acted like a surfer, at least my stereotypical view of one. Kind of macho and funny and authentic. When it came to mandalas, Paul was 100% engaging. The story I remember him telling us

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