Online Mandala Drawing Class Do you want to learn to draw mandalas but don’t have the time to go to a retreat or take a class? Well, now you can learn the SIMPLE way to draw a mandala in the comfort of your own home! In this online Mandala Drawing Class, you will learn to draw your own mandala similar to what you see below. These mandalas are drawn by a few of my students. They all got the exact same instructions and had the exact same supplies. Look how different they all are! Online Mandala Drawing
Read more →How do you draw a mandala? (See video at the end of the blog post). Get out your pencil and paper and join me in the video below. Within 15 minutes you’ll have a mandala. You’ll have a process that looks like magic to others and you can use over and over. This is the same process as my last blog post, “How to Doodle a Mandala”. I use this process to draw and paint mandalas of all sizes. The biggest one I’ve drawn to date was 6 feet in diameter. I had a ruler with me
Read more →How do you draw a mandala? (See video at the end of the blog post). While there are many ways to draw a mandala, my favorite is to get out a pad of paper, a pencil and start doodling one! I find my best mandala moments are spur of the moment and not thought out. This whole thing (the book, the workshops, retreats and blog) all started from a simple mandala doodle. Once I realized I could just draw one without special equipment (a compass, a ruler, etc), I couldn’t stop. The first mandala I just doodled
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