I cringe when someone tells me, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” If you weren’t creative, you would have no bones… you’d be dead. This is the truth. Plain and simple. Your body needs creativity to function. I’m not saying you have to do an oil painting or draw your dog. I’m stating the fact that your body is constantly creating, every day, 24/7, 100% of the time. It is creating blood, sweat, and tears. It’s breathing in and out. It’s digesting food and churning out nutrients and then transporting to all the billions
Read more →I read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and wow, I am in love with this author. I’ve read 2 of her other books, “Eat, Pray, Love” and “The Signature of All Things.“ If you haven’t read “Eat, Pray, Love”, you’ve probably been living under a rock. It was wildly popular for years and an international best seller selling over 10 million copies (much to the author’s surprise, according to her). “The Signature of All Things” is very different. It’s a historical novel depicting the history of horticulture, agricultural trade (mostly herbs and spices) and the story of a woman growing
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