Here are 8 simple steps to draw a mandala. Drawing and doodling are powerful tools to activate your divine creative self while calming your brain and putting you in a positive state of mindfulness. According to Marlynn Wei M.D., J.D. in an article written for Psychology Today, research shows mandala drawing promotes positivity. When doodling or drawing is combined with the power of the mandala, you are accessing deep parts of your creative self, which creates a sense of oneness and power. Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, encouraged his patients to doodle and color mandalas. I explain
Read more →It’s the dawning of a new year and possibilities abound! You may want to write a book. You may want to learn how to build websites. You may have a big project already on your plate and don’t know how all the details will pan out. You may want to plant a garden in the spring. You may have a dissertation to write or a big proposal. You may want new clients, or new friends. Most likely there are at least one or two new “big” things you’d like to accomplish in 2016. And there could even be
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